Annual General Meeting and Annual Session 2019/ 2020
of IESL Rajarata Chapter
By Eng.Lalani Wijesekara, Immediate Past Chairperson,Rajarata Chapter
The Annual General meeting of the session 2019/ 2020 started at 6.45 pm on 23rd December 2020.
Eng. Sanjeewa Hewa welcomed all the department heads and members who joined from Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapura via the Zoom platform.
Senior Secretary, Eng. Srima Bandara presented the report of the previous annual general meeting and Eng.Malith Madushanka proposed that the report is in order and Eng. Pathum sampath seconded it.
Treasure, Eng. Samanthi Sudarshani presented the report on annual income and expenditure. Eng.Vidura Krishantha proposed that the accounts are in order and Eng.Kalindu Wijesundara seconded it.
At last,the chairperson, Eng. Lalani Wijesekara addressed the gathering and impressed the importance of engaging chapter activities. She specially thanked Eng. Anura Semasinha, COE, CESL and Eng.S.Pushpakumara RE, MGC for the assistance given to complete the roof of the center building. At the same time, she extended her gratitude to Eng. Prasanna Senavirathna, CEB, and Eng.Iresha Muthukumarana, PED for their excellent support throughout the session. Finally, she thanked all members and all members of the executive committee for their invaluable support for the success of the session and adjourned the session.
Then two comperes, Eng.Kasun Gamage and Eng. Manoja Rajakaruna took over the session and invited the nomination chair, Eng. Srima Bandra. Eng. Srima Bandara informed that as a practice Chairman, Vice-chairman, and Senior Secretary was elected from the committee and for other posts, nominations were called and it was closed on 03rd December 2020. For the key posts, members were elected from the nominations which were sent by five members. For Rajarata University of Sri lanka,a representative member was proposed from the floor.
After the election of members for the session 2020/2021, the elected Chairman Eng. Sisira Dissanayake addressed the gathering and thanked the outgoing executive committee and told them that the coming year is a challenging year. He promised to continue activities with the prevailing situation and requested the active participation of all members in chapter activities.
Finally, elected senior secretary, Eng.M.Rifnaz thanked for electing him for the post of senior secretary and all members who work hard for the success of the event. He promised to give his fullest support for the success of chapter activities. The AGM ended at 7.30 pm
Annual Session 2019/2020
Annual Session 2019/ 2020 was held on 23rd December on Zoom Platform.
Members of the Executive committee gathered at SLT (OPMC) Auditorium and all other engineers gathered at six organizations and joined with the program.
The session commenced at 4.00 pm. Two comperes Eng.Manoja Rajakaruna and Eng.Kasun Gamage started the session with inspirational words and requested to rise for the National Anthem. Then,executive member, Eng. Jeewani Gajanayake welcomed all invitees and members for the Annual session. Eng. Lalani Wijesekara, Chairperson Rajarata Chapter addressed the forum and detailed the 12 monthly activities conducted during the session. Some activities have been conducted physically and some online. She proudly mentioned the completion of the roof of the center building. Finally, she thanked the Immediate Past President, Eng. (Prof.) S.B.S Abayakoon and the council for the guidance given during the session, and the Executive Secretary, Eng.Neil Abeysekara and the staff of IESL for the friendly support extended for the success of the session.
The guest speaker of the session was Eng. (Prof).Ranjith Dissanayake. President-Elect, Eng. Arjuna Manamperi ,Immediate past president Eng.(Prof).S.B.S Abayakoon and the president Eng. K.P.I.U Dharmapala graced the occasion. For the first time in the Annual Session of Rajarata Provincial Chapter, a lady Engineer was invited as a keynote speaker. Eng. Noorul Munawwura delivered the keynote speech.
Eng.M.Rifnaz, chairman of the monthly activity evaluation committee, detailed the selection criteria applied for selecting the best monthly activity of the year. Certificates were awarded to members who were involved in organizing the monthly events. As per the evaluation criteria, the monthly event organized by the Department of Irrigation was awarded as the best monthly event of the session 2019/2020. At the end of the annual session, senior secretary, Eng. Srima Bandra thanked all invitees for accepting the invitation and graced the occasion and all engineers in Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapura for joining via zoom. She also thanked all who worked hard for the success of the event and SLT for providing the facilities to conduct the session through the Zoom platform and for IESL for scheduling the requested time slot.
For the annual session, 120 members joined from Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa from all six locations. The executive committee made arrangements and delivered Pitza to all members who joined in those locations. The annual session ended at 6.30 pm.